Core insights of Google Algorithms from December 2020

Core insights of Google Algorithms from December 2020

2020 has been a problematic year so far due to the onset of a covid-19 pandemic. There are major changes that happened this year. Some of them were not at all desirable; however, there were a few that made us learn lessons of life and the useful aspects of the digital world too. To emerge well on the digital platform in 2021, this write-up is about the important insights of 2020 Google core algorithm update that might prove to be useful for the local business owners who are looking forward to making a warm online presence.

There are a few search specialists or marketers who shared their perspective about Google algorithms. Some of them believe that Google search is made completely random for fooling those who try to reverse engineer's Google algorithm. However, the reality is not the same as there are many algorithm features that are hard to detect and point out in search results. Also, it is difficult to identify a particular search result and know whether it is ranking because of BERT algorithm or due to Neutral Matching. Further, there are many changes that can be noticed in the December 2020 Core Update that went literally unobservable.

Another point that arises here is, if Google includes an additional algorithm-based feature, then it is not sure that the marketing community would be able to determine it or not. Given below are some of the details provided by the marketing experts about the December Core Algorithm Update that basically highlights their observations or their perspectives about it: -

  • 1- Dave Davies, who is a Beanstalk Internet Marketing experts, shares his views about the insights of Google. Search Engine Journal features what Dave has to say about Google algorithms. As per Dave, the Core Google Update of December 2020 was really the one to watch for fluctuations. This is because the situation of many working sites was not equivalent throughout. At times, when a particular site faced extreme loses, on the other times the similar site was able to achieve great wins. Also, he shared his views about the Core Web Vitals that would enter the algorithms by May 2021. However, he also predicted that it might stay inert. There were situations where one person was sad at the losses while the other was celebrating the wins all the way up the SERPs. Dave suspects that by the end of January 2021, the rolling out phenomenon of Google would be clearer, and it would be related to the features as well the capabilities of Google.
  • 2-The founder of SEO Signals Lab, Steven Kang, observed a discerned pattern of December 2020 Core Update. According to him, there is nothing that could be differentiated in terms of commonalities or symptoms between the winners or losers. Steven essentially tried to convey that there was nothing that can be predicted. At certain points, there were wins whereas at someplace there were losses too. He described it as a tricky situation, and added that one would need to wait for more, have the patience to watch and understand it better.
  • 3-Daniel K Cheung, who is the team leader at Prosperity Media, suggests that it would be better to take a step back rather than digging more. He basically means to say that it is better to see google updates from the big picture and as a whole concept rather than taking small topics and scratching our heads over it. He stated that we, being the Search or Discoverability people, must not think of review the Core Updates as individual events and instead, we must look at as a continuous process or a chain of improvements. Thus, the December Core Update should be looked at just one event of the many events happening in this continuous process. One of the interesting features of 2020 as per Daniel is that there were hardly reports of manual penalties within the GSC. Also, in his opinion, the Core Updates would be no more a phenomenon of targeting a specific selection of practices and instead would begin to appear as an incremental opportunity for the algorithms to mature. At the end of his suggestions, Daniel also made it clear that it is impossible that Google algorithms would go right at all times.
  • 4-The CEO of Link Search Tools, CristophCemper, says that the latest updates seem to have an impact on the wide range of factors. Mentioned in the Search Engine Journal, as per Christoph, Google is found to adjustthe things that could impact globally on core update.
  • 5-Michael Martinez, who is the founder of SEO Theory, also shares some valuable insights into the Google Core Update. As per his observations and discussions, he feels that people have begun more frustrated as well as confused over things such as the unknown reason behind why things changed. According to Micheal Martinez, Google has just rewritten some of its quality policy enforcement algorithms. Some of the sites in his portfolio did an extremely good job, whereas some went into the undesirable state. He also added that we might need to try some different approaches to solve these confusing queries.

Apart from these brilliant marketers mentioned above, there are many more experts across the world who shares different views about Google Core Algorithm Update. Though each of the prospective varied from one another, there was just a single similarity that we could observe amongst them. Each of the experts agrees to the fact that there is no obvious factor or change that could be differentiated or pointed out while looking at the Google algorithms. Also, none of them was sure of the views that they mentioned, and these are just possibilities that they stated.
We can just learn the different trends or shifts in the digital world, based on their observations or research; however, it is apparent that we cannot completely rely on or be 100% sure about the possibilities that they have mentioned.