Are content experiences the new route to content marketing

Are content experiences the new route to content marketing

The power of creatives and content might not be known to a few of us. However, there are many of the brilliant SEO experts, content managers, content marketers, etc. who work really hard towards getting maximum traction and results but due to some unknown reasons, they do not get the expected reach.

As per a data study mentioned in the Search Engine Journal which was done by Ahrefs in 2017 shows that 90.63% of all their pages showed zero traffic from Google and just a fraction, i.e., 5.29% got 10 visits per month or even less than that. Also, worst scenario than this is the content productions that are dull, draining and at times even feels to be uncreative.

In this write-up, we shall highlight the concept of content experiences which is basically the intersection between the content marketing and user experience. One aspect which becomes important here is innovatively framing content.

Content experience, if we search on Google, Randy Frisch defines it as the environment which is fit for the content to survive, the way it is structured and how perfect it is to compel with the company's perspective as well as the customers to engage with that particular company.

  1. Creating a strategic environment that engages the audience with the content in the most efficient way.
  2. Formulating the structure of the content in a way that it is easy to discover.
  3. Set an encouragement for the audience to engage more with your content and ultimately gets converted into the potential lead.

After understanding the definition of the content experience, now we shall try to understand things that would help at improving the content experience: -

Know the pyramid principle

This principle is often found to be useful for executive summaries or newspaper articles. The reason behind taking the pyramid principle into account is it is capable of driving focus and attention. The pyramid principle directs us as starting with the answer first and then move with grouping as well as summarizing to support the arguments. Later on, it employs logical ordering to support the ideas. It also explains at getting some useful inspiration from the journalists, creating powerful headlines with good information and a solid first paragraph.

Also, it suggests at avoiding hiding the best information in the long or winded introduction, unnecessary expansive text and bulky stuffed keywords. Further, it is also important to know that not all the topics or keywords would need a long-form of articles. This could be understood by simple logic that no one would want to read a 2000 word article which could be explained in just a phrase of 20 words.

Satisfy the search intents by resourcing libraries

When it comes to applying the pyramid principle to the website or the blog, it is required to rethink the blog category. Sorting or categorising them on the basis of date might not be efficient enough to provide relevant information to the user when required. For this, thinking the blog categories as resource libraries and structuring them accordingly would stand as a better option. This implies that one would need to cluster the content by topic or content type or funnel stage.

Resource libraries are extremely helpful at satisfying the search intents. The crystal clear reason behind it is the convenience and comfort it offers to the user. That is, it becomes easier for the user to find information relevant to them because the structure of the content is well framed with respect to the context and needs.

Engage more and grow the list more

It is found that a website that signifies a content-first approach rather than approaching via e-commerce is capable of getting more engagements. This also helps the customer to reach the product he or she has been looking for in an easier way. Further, the description of the product concerning the customers attracts the audience more than the approach which focuses on promoting the brand, not the product. This implies that the brand would need to highlight the needs of the user first and then bring out details about the brand itself.

Referring to the templates for content creation calendars, planners, as well as the tips for writing effective headlines given by the experienced marketing foxes, could also help at increasing the engagement and attracting leads just like a magnet.

Avoiding dead pages with internal content distribution

Most of us are not aware of the fact that our content could potentially stand as a pillar to support our efforts. Here, content means the overall content or the entire history of whatever we did in the past. The support team, sales team and the overall content could together work at performing a great job.
It might also sound a bit of contradiction that why and how the invoices have a role to play in content creation. However, as per mentioned in the Search Engine Journal, the receipts play an important part in educating, explaining as well as building super fans. It would be a wonderful choice to include a kind of guide that could help the sales andsupport team.
For the ones who do not have a proper set up with sales and support team or the business type is B2C then also this guide might become useful at creating SEO optimized category pages.

In a nutshell, the content experience is a kind of practice that is beneficial at engaging more visitors towards the website. As per Google, it actually helps at creating a powerful online experience by designing the content at we already have. Further, it could also be regarded as a potential tool aiding to build trust, along with generating new leads and helping a brand to stay uniquely different from the others.